Accounting UK

Are accountants still on the chopping block of automation?

As far back as 2014, a chilling prediction was made: 47 per cent of job categories could face automation within the next two decades. For accountants and auditors, this forecast was particularly dire, as they ranked second on the list of professions most at risk. Fast forward to today, and these projections are becoming a stark reality […]

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Posted In Accounting UK

Struggling to get P11D information? The deadline is getting closer…

We’ve noticed many accountants are currently struggling to submit P11D and P11D(b) forms due to a lack of efficiency and cooperation on the part of their clients. As the 6 July deadline looms, the pressure must be getting harder and harder to carry, not least for your wider team too. If you don’t start receiving the necessary […]

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Posted In Accounting UK

Analysing the recruitment crisis in accounting

It’s a problem we’re all trying to get our heads around – how do we fix the skills shortage and recruitment crisis in the accounting profession? Firms are constantly reporting lower numbers of applicants, year on year. Our clients frequently bemoan an increasing number of job vacancies, facing challenges in attracting younger professionals and often […]

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Posted In Accounting UK

It’s National Payroll Week – Time to reflect?

This week is National Payroll Week! Now’s the time we tip our hats to the unsung heroes buried in spreadsheets and tax codes and rightly so! The payroll professionals work incredibly hard to ensure we all get our pay slips on time and with accurate figures. However, this isn’t just about handing out a few […]

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Posted In Accounting UK